Who is the father of Modern science

Who is the father of Modern science


Who khnows the father of Modern science
Who khnows the father of Modern science 

Father of science and technology father of modern science father of modern science fiction

Who is called the father of modern science?


    Democritus became a historical Greek philosopher who was born in Andhra, Thrace, Greece.  He became an influential pre-Socratic truth-seeker and disciple of Leucippus, who formulated an atomic view of the universe.  It is difficult to separate his true contribution from 

that of his mentor.  Leucippus, as they are 

often mentioned together within the textual material.  His conjectures about atoms, derived from Leucippus, were similar to the nineteenth-century understanding of the atomic structure, leading some to regard Democritus as a greater scientist than various Greek philosophers.  His views, however, rested on very unusual grounds. Even though 

Democritus was recognized as great by his fellow northern truth-seeker Aristotle, Plato is said to have disliked him so much that he wanted to burn all his books.  Many consider the Democrats to be the "fathers of modern information technology".Father of science and technology father of modern science father of modern science fiction

    Democritus supported the tradition of Leucippus, who came from Miletus and advanced the medical rationalist philosophy associated with that city.  They were each strictly deterministic and complete materialists, regarding everything as the ultimate result of 

natural legal guidelines.  Unlike Aristotle or 

Plato atomists attempted to explain the field without an objective, number one cause, or ultimate goal.

    For nuclearism, questions have to be answered with mechanistic explanations ("What antecedent conditions gave rise to this event?"), while their warriors look for triggers that come from fabric and mechanics.  Next are the formal and the teleological ("Does (the purpose serve the purpose?) the occasion.)

    Modern technological knowledge has targeted mechanistic questions, leading to medical knowledge, especially in physics, while teleological questions may be useful in biology, adaptation, and reasoning.  I, although 

deep evolutionary causes are often assumed to be merely mechanical.  Nuclear professionals explored purely mechanistic questions and recognized the most effective mechanistic answers.  His successors through the Renaissance were preoccupied with the spiritual question, which hindered progress.

    The ethics and politics of the democrats come to us in most cases in the form of maxims.  "Equality is too much anywhere," he says, though he won't go far enough to include women or slaves in the spirit.  In a democracy, poverty is better than the prosperity of tyrants, so freedom is preferred over slavery.

    The democrats believed that a life of moderation and discipline resulted in appropriate happiness.  Just as medicine removes disease from the frame, knowledge removes preference from the mind. Knowing is superior to information, as he says, "Many 

people analyze the load and have no idea. One should expand thinking, no longer learn extra."  Attachment to worldly affairs and indiscriminate itch and choice of wealth is worse than poverty, degrading physical comfort.  Even though properly raised animals 

have solid bodies, great personalities are proper. The necessities of life are accessible with practically no problem, and just the pointless things bring us such a lot of torment and inconvenience throughout everyday life. This didn't imply that one could never have fun or have a good time, as he said,

"Life without dinner is a broad way without a resort", but now this amazing imbalance and lack of skill.  is not towards But no more, declaring, "Violent hunger blinds the soul to all matters."

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